Stella Fragki joins esqLABS
Stella Fragki, an experienced human toxicologist, joined esqLABs on 1st January.

Stella Fragki joins esqLABS
Stella will support esqLABS in toxicology and regulatory risk assessment.
Styliani (Stella) Fragki is a human toxicologist who is passionate about promoting the use of alternatives to animal testing in chemical safety. She has several years of experience in toxicological risk assessment and she has provided support to the (agro)chemical industry with regard to their dossier preparation for plant protection products, biocides, and substances falling within REACH since 2010. She also worked for the Dutch government (RIVM-National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) as a scientist in the safety of substances entering the food chain (food contaminants, food contact materials, botanicals, etc.), but also in the application of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in chemical risk assessment. She joined esqLABS in January 2023 as a Senior Scientist Systems Toxicology. She has studied Biology (Thessaloniki, Greece) and she has an MSc in Food Safety (Wageningen, the Netherlands). Stella recently finalized her Ph.D. thesis in toxicology, specifically on the quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolations (QIVIVE) of alternative assays with physiologically based kinetic (PBK) models, parameterized with data based on in vitro and in silico tools. She has completed the full training for a European Registration as a Toxicologist (certification to be obtained soon).
List of publications:
Fragki S, Louisse J, Bokkers B, Luijten M, Peijnenburg A, Rijkers D, Piersma AH, Zeilmaker MJ, 2023. New approach methodologies: A quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolation case study with PFASs. Food and Chemical Toxicology 172: 113559.
Fragki S, Piersma AH, Marco JZ, Westerhout J, Kienhuis A, Kramer NI, Zeilmaker M, 2022. Applicability of generic PBK modelling in chemical hazard assessment: A case study with IndusChemFate. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 136:105267.
Fragki S, Hoogenveen S, van Oostrom C, Schwillens P , Piersma AH, Zeilmaker M, 2022. Integrating in vitro chemical transplacental passage into a generic PBK model: A QIVIVE approach. Toxicology 465:153060.
Fragki S, Dirven H, Fletcher T, Grasl-Kraupp B, Bjerve Gützkow K, Hoogenboom R, Kersten S, Lindeman B, Louisse J, Peijnenburg A, Piersma A, Princen HMG, Uhl M, Westerhout J, Zeilmaker MJ, Luijten M, 2021. Systemic PFOS and PFOA exposure and disturbed lipid homeostasis in humans: what do we know and what not? Critical Reviews in Toxicology 51(2): 141-164.
Fragki S, Piersma AH, Rorije E, Zeilmaker M, 2017. In vitro to in vivo extrapolation of effective dosimetry in developmental toxicity testing: Application of a generic PBK modelling approach. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 332:109-120.
Bil W, Zeilmaker M, Fragki S, Lijzen J, Verbruggen E, Bokkers B (2022). Response to Letter to the Editor on Bil et al. 2021 “Risk Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Mixtures: A Relative Potency Factor Approach”. Environ Toxicol Chem. 41(1): 13-18. DOI: 10.1002/etc.5236
Bil W, Zeilmaker M, Fragki S, Lijzen J, Verbrugeen E, Bokkers B, 2021. Risk Assessment of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Mixtures: A Relative Potency Factor Approach. Environ Toxicol Chem 40 (3): 859-870.
Van de Ven BM, Fragki S, te Biesebeek JD, Rietveld AG, Boon BE, 2018. Mineral oils in food; a review of toxicological data and an assessment of the dietary exposure in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2017-0182.
Tiesjema B, Jeurissen SMF, de Wit L, Mol H, Fragki S, Razenberg L, 2017. Risk assessment of synephrine. RIVM Report 2017-0069.

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