Pavel Balazki joins esqLABS
From January 1, 2018 on Pavel Balazki, a trained Bioinformatician from Frankfurt Goethe University, will be reinforcing esqLABS.

Pavel Balazki joins esqLABS
Pavel is an interdisciplinary scientist with a solid experience in physiological modeling and programming skills. He focuses on the combination of modeling and software development to offer QSP platforms as integrated solutions.
Before joining esqLABS, Pavel acquired strong knowledge and expertise in mechanistic and physiologically based PK/PD modeling, biology, and human physiology. He has developed software tools for stochastic simulations of biological systems and graph database-based text analysis.
Pavel studied bioinformatics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt and completed his master’s thesis at Sanofi, where he was working on mechanistic modeling of diabetes. He then joined the Systems Pharmacology group at Bayer to work on his PhD thesis in collaboration with Professor Thorsten Lehr from the Clinical Pharmacy department of the University of Saarland.

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